Golf: môn thể thao mạo hiểm

lấy bóng golf rơi trên đuôi cá sấu... :D
A Florida golfer was caught on camera retrieving (lấy lại, tìm lại được, khôi phục lại) his ball (bóng) from a particularly dangerous (nguy hiểm) hazard (mối nguy hiểm, rủi ro) -- the tail of an alligator.

Kyle Downes said he and his brother were at the Coral Oaks Golf Course in Cape Coral on Sunday when a ball landed on the gator's tail.

Downes shared video showing his brother sneaking up on the alligator to grab the ball off its tail.

The player quickly grabs the ball and the alligator, apparently startled (giật mình), darts into the water (lao xuống nước).

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Tags: funny


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