Vậy là có thể tìm tàu lượn cao tốc bị mất rồi

các kỹ sư ở viện Fraunhofer FKIE, Đức có ý tưởng thiết kế thiết bị bay không người lái lần theo tiếng la hét của con người... :)
If someone created a flying machine capable of tracking you down by listening for your voice, you might be creeped out.

But what if you were pinned under a pile of rubble (đống đổ nát) after a natural disaster (thảm họa thiên nhiên) and first responders couldn’t locate you? Maybe then a human-seeking drone wouldn’t be such a terrible idea.

That concept (ý tưởng) is the focus for engineers at Germany’s Fraunhofer FKIE institute, who’ve built a drone prototype designed to find people by detecting human screams and listening for other signs of distress. One of the lead engineers, Macarena Varela, showcased their progress last week at an annual conference hosted by the Acoustic Society of America.

While it’s easy to imagine human-seeking drones in a sci-fi horror movie, Varela says the gadget would be ideal for post-disaster scenarios (kịch bản hậu thảm họa), such as earthquakes (động đất), hurricanes (bão lốc) and wildfires (cháy rừng). They could hover over an area that rescue crews (đội cứu hộ) have difficulty getting to and pinpoint where people may be trapped.

Tags: funny


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