Sao không đặt là "cục nợ" luôn cho rồi?

ông bố ở Indonesia đặt tên con là 'Cục Thống kê'...

Slamet 'Yoga' Wahyudi, 38, had agreed with his wife when she was pregnant (mang thai) that he would be allowed to choose the name if she gave birth to a son.

His wife, Ririn Linda Tunggal Sari, 31, ended up having a boy, and true to the agreement Yoga was allowed to name him.

But rather than going for something traditional (truyền thống), the civil servant (công chức) - who is from the regency (chế độ nhiếp chính) of Brebes in the Indonesian province of Central Java - decided to pay tribute to his beloved workplace by naming him 'Dinas Komunikasi Informatika Statistik' - which translates to 'Department of Statistical Communication'.

Tags: parenting


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