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chính quyền Tổng thống Pháp Emmanuel Macron bị phạt 10 triệu euro vì để không khí ô nhiễm...
The Council of State slapped (tát, đập, vỗ, phát) its highest fine ever, 10 million euros ($12 million), on President Emmanuel Macron's government, warning it would do so again within months if the authorities failed to act quickly to combat smog (sương khói).

The Court, which has become increasingly watchful over the government's environmental record, said measures decided by the government (các biện pháp của chính quyền) were insufficient (không đủ) to improve air quality (cải thiện chất lượng không khí), because some might not actually be implemented, and their likely effects had not been properly evaluated.

Last year, the Council ruled that the government had failed to implement a court order dating from 2017 to curb air pollution levels, and gave it six months to take corrective action or face a 10-million-euro fine every six months until air quality improves.

With the six-month deadline having elapsed, the Council is now implementing its threat.

Air pollution is believed to cause 40,000 premature deaths in France per year.

...NGO Friends of the Earth, which launched the pollution lawsuit against the government, will get 100,000 euros, the judges ruled.
Tags: health

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