Giúp học sinh hứng thú với giáo dục STEM

người đàn ông ở Idaho lập kỷ lục thế giới Guinness cân bằng 101 cuộn giấy vệ sinh trên trán...

...UPI reports how Rush managed to reach this (impressive?) goal by starting with one roll placed oh-so-carefully on his forehead (trán). From there he built upon different layers of rolls sitting on top of what appears to be cardboard (bìa cứng, giấy bồi), managing to keep the pyramid-shaped (hình kim tự tháp) result upon his posterior for an extended amount of time.

...But what, exactly, is the point, you may (rightly) be wondering? Well, according to his official website, Rush performs these (creative?) stunts (cuộc biểu diễn nguy hiểm) all for the sake of promoting STEM education. He does this by being both the world’s fastest and slowest juggler (nghệ sĩ xiếc tung hứng); by taking the most bites out of three apples whilst juggling; by eating the most peas with a toothpick (tăm) in a minute; and so on, and so forth.

“It’s more than just getting kids excited about STEM and telling them they can do it. It’s about helping them believe they have what it takes to do well in math (toán học) and science classes,” explains Rush’s site.

Tags: science

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