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cho đến khi chứng minh được "phong tỏa" có tác dụng phòng chống covid? mùa quýt

trở về cuộc sống bình thường đi thôi...

When, exactly, do we get to return to normal life? Is it when every single person is vaccinated? Is it when lockdowns finally demonstrate any effectiveness at fighting COVID-19? When we’ve driven all our kids nuts and small businesses bankrupt with restrictions (doanh nghiệp nhỏ phá sản vì các hạn chế/cấm đoán)? When disease is completely eradicated around the time the sun sputters out? Or will it be when the pajama class is finally bored with lording it over the rest of society and decides it’s time to come up for air? It’s a question requiring an answer as our lords and masters show every inclination to once again tighten the screws to address a never-ending public health emergency.

A year and a half into the pandemic, every American 12 and older who cares to be vaccinated against COVID-19 has had the opportunity to get a shot. That’s important, because all of the available vaccines are extremely effective at reducing the dangers of infection for their recipients.
COVID-19 has been an unpleasant ordeal (thử thách không dễ chịu) for the entire planet (cả hành tinh), but perhaps not so awful as the policies inflicted on us in the name of public health. It’s time to (đã đến lúc) move beyond pandemic panic to rebuild our prosperity (xây dựng lại sự thịnh vượng), raise our kids, and reclaim our freedom. If the control freaks don’t like that, well, they’re another affliction (tai ách, tai họa; nõi đau đớn/đau buồn/ưu phiền/khổ sở) we can do without.

Bài trước: Bức thư tuyệt hay
Tags: health

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