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The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (đại dịch) highlights the dangers in starkly luminous yellow paint. The piecemeal (từng cái một, từng phần) expansion (mở rộng, bành trướng) of the State that we have seen take place over the last 150 years or so was often built, as we have seen, on conceiving of sections of the population – the poor, the old, children, minority groups, and so on – as vulnerable (dễ bị tổn thương) and in need of help (cần sự giúp đỡ). We are now seeing what happens when the State is able to conceive as vulnerable not just a section of the population, but its entirety. Suddenly, potentially nothing is outside of the purview of public power, because every single interpersonal human relationship relates to the overriding goal of ‘stopping the spread.’ The family, the church, the community group, the workplace, even the sexual act – the State has now seen fit to put itself between individuals wherever they are, in whatever context, even in their own homes.

Tags: economics

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