Hội chứng Havana - bí ẩn chưa lời đáp khiến CIA phải vào cuộc

làm phó tổng thống mỹ Kamala Harris đến hà nội chậm mấy tiếng...
US vice-president Kamala Harris’ trip from Singapore to Vietnam was delayed (chậm, hoãn) by several hours on Tuesday by an investigation (cuộc điều tra) into two possible cases of the so-called Havana syndrome (hội chứng) in Hanoi, administration officials said.

The investigation was in its early stages and officials deemed it safe for Harris to make her scheduled stop in Vietnam, which is part of her trip across Asia meant to reassure allies (trấn an đồng minh) about American foreign policy (chính sách đối ngoại) amid the tumultuous (một cách bừa bãi/hỗn độn) evacuation (sơ tán, di tản) of US forces from Afghanistan.

Havana syndrome is the name for a rash of mysterious (bí ẩn) health incidents first reported by American diplomats and other government employees in the Cuban capital beginning in 2016.

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