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bị nhân viên cũ của phòng khám nha khoa (bất mãn, quay lại ăn trộm tiền của chủ) nhổ... 13 cái răng... :D

Laurel Eich, who is not a dentist (không phải là nha sĩ), allegedly told the Washoe County sheriff’s office that she extracted (nhổ) 13 teeth of an unwilling (không sẵn lòng, miễn cưỡng, bất đắc dĩ) patient (bệnh nhân) by using anaesthetic (thuốc gây tê) her employer had discarded.

She said she broke into the dental office where she used to work.

...The 42-year-old woman was arrested on Wednesday and charged with two counts of burglary and one count each of grand larceny (trọng tội), conspiracy to commit burglary and perform surgery on another without a medical license (không có bằng y tế).

Bài trước: Ơ hay thật
Tags: health


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