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công viên Lincolnshire Wildlife Park ở Anh phải thả 5 con vẹt vì chúng... chửi khách thăm quan... :D

The five African grey parrots were adopted by Lincolnshire Wildlife Park on August 15 and put into a room together.

But it appears they used their time in isolation (cách ly) teaching each other foul language, which left park staff in hysterics (hết sức buồn cười, hết sức ngộ nghĩnh) - but swift action had to be taken when they started using obscenities (lời lẽ tục tĩu, hành động khiêu dâm) with guests.

Steve Nichols, CEO at the Friskney park, said the birds were put into a 'time out', but admitted over the last 25 years he's taken in many parrots "that have sometimes had a bit of blue language".

Tags: funny


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