Nhặt được của rơi, trả người đánh mất

ai đánh rơi cả một tủ lạnh chứa đầy ma túy thì đến đồn cảnh sát Farris ở Bắc Texas để nhận lại :D

The Farris Police Department found the refrigerator (tủ lạnh) with marijuana  (ma túy) on Wednesday night on the side of southbound Interstate 45 near Malloy Bridge Road, which is about 20 miles south of Dallas.

A Farris police officer pulled someone over on I-45 when they heard a loud noise on the other side of the freeway. When the officer completed the traffic stop, he looped around I-45 to see what the racket was.

That's when he found the fridge with about 15 pounds of marijuana inside.

"Someone dropped their refrigerator loaded with marijuana on S/B Interstate 45. To whomever lost their valuables (đồ giá trị), please come claim it at the Ferris PD and we will be more than happy to assist (vui vẻ giúp đỡ) you," the police department wrote on Facebook.

Tags: funny

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