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vì những thiệt hại gây ra cho nền kinh tế...

Millions (hàng triệu) with life-threatening health conditions (tình trạng y tế nguy hiểm tới tính mạng) were put at risk in order to block this unstoppable virus.

A generation of young people were forced to put their lives on hold when the average age of Covid victims was 83, a year older than the median UK lifespan. And our economy was damaged, in some areas perhaps beyond repair (nền kinh tế bị thiệt hại nặng nề, không thể khắc phục).

We deserve an explanation (cần một lời giải thích) and we should not have to wait years for the outcome of a public inquiry (thẩm tra, thẩm vấn). An apology from some would be welcome. Let’s start with Imperial College’s Neil Ferguson, “Professor Lockdown” himself.

Tags: health

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