Máu, mồ hôi và nước mắt

các nhà khoa học nghiên cứu có thể làm bê-tông trên sao Hỏa bằng... máu của phi hành gia...
Human colonies on Mars can — and probably should — be built using the

actual blood, sweat and tears of the astronauts (phi hành gia) who build them.

...Water is scarce on Mars and it costs $2 million to send a single brick to the Red Planet, according to estimates. But astronauts can simply make their own concrete on-site using Martian dust and their own blood, according to findings published this month in the journal Materials Today Bio.

And it’s not a theoretical thing. According to the study, scientists have already made a concrete-like substance called “AstroCrete” using human blood and synthetic regolith, which is the scientific term (thuật ngữ khoa học) for soil on Mars and the moon.

Tags: science


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