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Trung Quốc thanh tẩy giới giải trí, những "đam mỹ" ẻo lả có hại cho đất nước...
The Chinese government has ordered a boycott of “sissy pants” celebrities (đam mỹ) as it escalates (leo thang) a

fight against what it sees as a cultural import (nhập khẩu văn hóa; văn hóa du nhập) that threatens China’s national strength (sức mạnh quốc gia).

In a directive issued on Thursday, China’s TV watchdog (người kiểm tra, người giám hộ) said entertainment programs should firmly reject the “deformed aesthetics” of niangpao, a derogatory (xúc phạm uy tín) term that refers to effeminate (như đàn bà) men.

The order came as Beijing tightens control over the country’s entertainment industry (ngành giải trí), taking aim at an explosion (bùng nổ) of TV and streaming shows that hold increasing sway over pop culture and the youth.

Young, delicate-looking men who display gentle personalities and act in boys’ love dramas have amassed large fan bases mostly comprising women. Many of them, like Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo, are China’s top-earning celebrities.

They came in sharp contrast (đối lập tương phản) with the older generation of male stars, who were expected to sing revolutionary songs (bài hát cách mạng) and play intrepid, aggressive soldiers defending the country from foreign enemies (kẻ thù nước ngoài).

But the more gender-neutral aesthetics (mỹ học, thẩm mỹ) have come under criticism (hứng chịu chỉ trích) from conservative (truyền thống, bảo thủ) voices in society. Some officials and parents fear the less macho men on TV would cause young men to lose their masculinity and therefore threaten the country’s development.

Tags: china


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