"Come from left field" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash

"Come from left field" = đến từ mạn trái -> nghĩa là bắt nguồn, xuất hiện bất ngờ, từ nơi xa lạ.

Ví dụ
“Sometimes these things come from left field and you realise that more could be done and I know full well that Red Funnel will take the action that they need to if that is the case but it does sound to me like it was a bit of an unusual occurrence (sự cố).

Faith is like that. We may carry a range of negative or incorrect assumptions (giả định) which we apply to daily life and don’t classify as being faith-related. But opportunities for new beginnings can come from left field.

What episode three does is explore exactly that premise (tiền đề), subverting (phá hoại) established timelines and throwing numerous curveballs into the mix. Taking a leaf from the other two entries, this takes a fresh look at the existing film and plays it differently. Team ups come from left field, some A-list voice actors make decisive contributions and Marvel’s multiverse gets cracked open.

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