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Pháp miễn phí thuốc tránh thai cho các em gái dưới 25 tuổi...
Photo by Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition on Unsplash.

France will begin offering free contraceptives (thuốc tránh thai) for women up to the age of 25 starting next year to help young women with the financial costs (chi phí tài chính) of protecting against pregnancy (mang thai).

“It is unbearable (không thể dung thứ, không thể chịu đựng được, không chịu nổi; không kham nổi) that young women cannot protect themselves, cannot have contraception if they choose to do so because it is too expensive for them,” said Olivier Véran, the country’s health minister. The government had noticed a decline in the use of contraceptives among “a certain number of young women,” he said.

The government said it would set aside about 21 million euros, or almost $25 million, to pay for all types of contraceptives — including IUDs — and consultations on their use. The age of 25 was chosen as a threshold, Mr. Véran said, “because it is an age that corresponds, in terms of economic life, social life and income, with more autonomy.”

Tags: sex

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