"I was born tired and I’ve since suffered a relapse" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Kinga Cichewicz

"I was born tired and I’ve since suffered a relapse" = yếu bẩm sinh và giờ vẫn hay bị tái phát -> nghĩa là yếu ớt, mệt mỏi, không khỏe.

Ví dụ
Jesus, I was born tired and I’ve since suffered a relapse. Too many meetings!

Ok seriously… anyone else been struck down by this non-Covid chest/sinus (xoang) infection? It’s been 2 weeks, I was born tired and I’ve since suffered a relapse.

We’re talking to Los Angeles-based Never after she’s been in NYC for two weeks during the height of fashion week, playing shows and revelling in the “explosive amount of energy” that has come with the reopening of much of America. “I was born tired and I’ve since suffered a relapse. New York’s really just wearing me down, man,” she says.

Ka Tina

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