"Move at a fast clip" nghĩa là gì?

"Move at a fast clip" -> nghĩa là di chuyển nhanh chóng, với tốc độ cao.

Ví dụ
Like the past few Apple Events, the ‘California Streaming’ event be live-streamed online. That means it will likely move at a fast clip, with no applause (khen ngợi) breaks to rest our poor fingers.

This creates the most exciting parts of the film when things move at a fast clip, even if they are predictable (đoán trước được). Without piling (chất đống) around the characters or villains you see in mainstream movies, Alpha Adimai effectively moves through its plot points.

All of these introductory scenes move at a fast clip and as always, Hiddleston seems to be having a blast with the role, fully embracing Loki's consternation (kinh hoàng) and all of its comedic possibilities as he struggles to regain the upper hand. 

Most of the segments are 10 and 15 minute blocks, and the program itself will move at a fast clip. That also means speakers who otherwise wouldn’t have time to drive to North Port, let alone (nữa là) fly cross country, will be able to share their stories.

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