Tập trung vào nền tảng

chơi gôn, bóng bàn, hay khiêu vũ...

ko phải chú ý tới chân, tay mà là tập trung vào hông (xoay hông)...
via Seth's blog,

There’s almost no sport or physical activity where that advice isn’t useful.

Golf. Ping pong. Dancing.

The more likely it is that people are tempted to focus on their hands or feet, the more the hips really matter.

And you’ve already guessed the metaphor (phép ẩn dụ).

The work we do needs a solid foundation (nền tảng vững chắc). The biggest muscles (cơ) are around the hips, just as the biggest leverage comes from our approach (cách tiếp cận) to cash flow (dòng tiền), market presence and hiring.

Instead of focusing on short-term wins or delighting the crowd with jazz hands in whatever form they take, it makes sense to get our hips right first.

Tags: skill

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