"We must have killed a Chinaman" nghĩa là gì?

"One must have killed a Chinaman" = chắc giết nhầm người Trung Hoa rồi -> câu nói khi vừa trải qua chuyện chẳng lành, đen đủi.

Ví dụ
I love buttons and buy cute ones when I see them so I can see the sense in that statement! lol My mother used to say “I must have killed a chinaman” usually when she was having a run of bad luck. No idea where that one even comes from.

SOMEONE in the Singleton Greyhounds camp ‘must have killed a chinaman’ as their wretched (tồi tệ) luck with injuries extended another week, this time resulting in narrow two-point loss to Denman at Denman Oval last weekend. 

It comes from an old Australian saying “you must’ve killed a Chinaman”. It was considered bad luck to kill a person of Chinese descent in the goldfields. This may have come about because people back then didn’t really understand the Chinese and felt threatened by superstition (mê tín) and the mysterious men from the Orient.

Ngọc Lân

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