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các nhà khảo cổ học Israel tìm thấy toilet 2.700 năm tuổi ở Jerusalem, thời rất hiếm, chỉ nhà giàu mới có...
Israeli archaeologists (nhà khảo cổ học) have found a rare (hiếm) ancient

toilet in Jerusalem dating back more than 2,700 years, when private bathrooms were a luxury (đồ sang trọng) in the holy city.

The Israeli Antiquities Authority said the smooth, carved limestone toilet was found in a rectangular cabin that was part of a sprawling mansion overlooking what is now the Old City. It was designed for comfortable sitting, with a deep septic tank (hố phân tự hoại) dug underneath.

“A private toilet cubicle was very rare in antiquity, and only a few were found to date," said Yaakov Billig, the director of the excavation (khai quật).

“Only the rich could afford toilets," he said, adding that a famed rabbi (giáo sĩ nổi tiếng) once suggested that to be wealthy is “to have a toilet next to his table.”

Animal bones and pottery found in the septic tank could shed light on the lifestyle and diet of people living at that time, as well as ancient diseases

Bài trước: Đúng chức năng
Tags: funny


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