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các nhà khoa học Israeli đạt được bước đột phá trong sản xuất tv có mùi...
Israeli scientists say they have made a breakthrough (bước đột phá) that

could pave the way for smellovision TVs, scented (có mùi hương) digital photos (bức ảnh số) that have a whiff (tỏa ra mùi nhẹ) of vacation (chuyến du lịch), and technology that can “print” any odor (mùi).

A Weizmann Institute team claims to have created a “smell map” that can determine how any odor will smell to humans based just on an examination (xem xét) of its molecular structure (cấu trúc phân tử).

The researchers say this provides the theoretical framework (khung lý thuyết) to record the qualities of the smell as a set of numbers which can be used to recreate (tái tạo) it by means of an electronic device that could be embedded in cellphones, computers, and elsewhere. They believe that a range of just 200 molecules is enough to recreate almost any smell on earth.

“Now, I believe we’re just a few years away from tel-e-smell — telephones that accurately record and recreate smells,” said Noam Sobel, the neurobiology professor behind the research, which has just been published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature.

Bài trước: Đừng ghẹo em
Tags: technology


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