Thật sự sẽ rất tăm tối nếu không có khoa học

nghiên cứu mới đây của các bác sĩ ở bệnh viện cộng đồng lục quân martin ở Fort Benning, Georgia cho thấy sau khi sinh sẽ... rất khó giữ dáng :D
Getting back into shape after having a baby is hard, even for women who

were fit and strong before becoming pregnant (mang thai), a new study shows.

Pregnancy is known to put stress on many parts of the body, including the heart (tim), lungs (phổi), muscles (cơ) and joints (khớp). But little research has been done to assess (đánh giá) the long-term effects (tác động dài hạn) of pregnancy on people’s fitness.

David DeGroot at Martin Army Community Hospital in Fort Benning, Georgia, and his colleagues (đồng nghiệp) studied the impact of pregnancy on the fitness of 460 women who became pregnant while in the military (quân đội).

Before they became pregnant, the women had high levels of fitness as a requirement of being active-duty soldiers (binh sĩ). They continued modified fitness training during pregnancy and most returned to regular training by 12 weeks after giving birth.

Even with this dedicated training, many of the women struggled (rất vất vả/khó khăn) to regain (lấy lại) their fitness. One year after giving birth, only 30 per cent were able to obtain the same score as they had pre‑pregnancy in the US Army Physical Fitness Test, which involves sit-ups (đứng lên ngồi xuống), push-ups (chống đẩy) and a timed 2-mile (3.2 kilometre) run (chạy bộ). By three years after delivery, 75 per cent matched their pre-pregnancy scores.

The soldiers’ sit-up abilities and running times declined the most.

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