Ngược tư duy thông thường

mông to thì chạy nhanh hơn, khoa học đã chứng minh... :D

After examining the anatomy (giải phẫu) of elite (ưu tú, tinh hoa) athletes (vận động viên), researchers discovered that a large bottom is key for sprint (chạy nước rút) performance.

The study reveals how specific leg muscles differ between groups of elite sprinters - with an average 100m personal best of 9.99 sec - sub-elite sprinters, and untrained men.

Experts found that top sprinters, while being generally more muscular, had a very specific pattern to their muscularity.

Some muscles, such as hip extensor muscles, were far bigger compared to sub-elite sprinters, but others rather similar, such as calf muscles.

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Tags: health


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