Hiếm thật

thanh niên 33 tuổi, cách đây 2 năm rơi vào hôn mê 3 tuần do dùng ma túy, giờ... ị từ cu
A man who began to poop from his penis and experienced rectal (thuộc

trực tràng) ejaculation has to seek medical attention (chăm sóc y tế). The 33-year-old man noticed a number of medical issues over a period of two years such as faecal (phân) matter in urine (trong nước tiểu), passing a "substantial amount" of urine and semen (tinh dịch) from the anus (hậu môn).

When the man experienced pain in his testicles (tinh hoàn) for around a week, he decided to visit a doctor. Tests showed that he had a urinary tract (đường tiết niệu) infection (nhiễm) and also had a problem with his rectal wall.

The doctors did a CT scan and found a "gas-filled structure" which after further tests was revealed to be something called a 'fistula'.

A fistula is an abnormal (dị thường) passageway between the man's urethra (niệu đạo, ống đái) and rectum.

This connecting passage was what was causing the semen to pass from his anus and faeces from his penis.

The doctors ruled out possible infections such as tuberculosis (viêm phổi) and inflammatory bowel disease. The man denied having suffered rectal trauma (chấn thương) or penetration. He did not even have any abdominal surgeries.

The doctors eventually found out that the man had been in a three-week coma two years ago after cocaine and phencyclidine (PCP) intoxication. It was around this time that he began to observe the unusual symptoms.

Bài trước: Theo khoa học thôi
Tags: health


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