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các nghị sĩ quốc hội Malawi được cho là dùng tới 10.000 bao cao su mỗi tháng...

It is estimated that the 193 Malawian MPs get three condoms each daily.

This came to light after the Aids Health Foundation donated (hiến, tặng) a total of 206,000 condoms to the Malawi Parliament Secretariat in a bid to check the spread (kiểm soát sự lây lan) of HIV/AIDS.

Commenting on the donation, parliament’s Health and Wellness Committee Chairperson, Maggie Chinsinga is alleged to have indicated that 10,000 condoms are used every month by Members of Parliament and visitors who access lavatories (phòng vệ sinh) at parliament building where the condoms are placed.

But her remarks angered the MPs who argued that people will think that they go to Parliament for sex.

‘We don’t need condoms. If we want sex, we can buy. We are not here for sex, we are here to represent the people and bring development to the people out there’, outspoken female Legislator Joy Chitsulo stated.

After heated debate, the Malawian Parliament resolved that the condoms should be returned immediately.

Leader of the House Richard Chimwendo, returning the condoms, said as legislators they do not want condoms, but what they want are face masks (khẩu trang).

Tags: sex

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