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vì sao thị trường chứng khoán biến động thế,

khảo sát cho thấy 1/3 nhà đầu tư giao dịch khi... say rượu :D
Driving while drunk is a crime. What about investing while drunk?

This question is not as ridiculous (lố bịch) as it may sound. Thirty-two percent

of investors in a new survey from MagnifyMoney acknowledged that they have bought or sold an investment while intoxicated (say mèm), including 59% of Gen Zers.

The finding emerged from MagnifyMoney’s research into whether investors allow emotions (cảm xúc) to influence (ảnh hưởng) their portfolios (danh mục đầu tư). It commissioned Qualtrics to conduct an online survey in June among 1,116 U.S. consumers with an investment account, ranging in age from 18 to 75.

Two-thirds of survey respondents said they regretted an impulsive (ngẫu hứng) or emotionally charged investing decision. Gen Zers and millennials were more likely than their older counterparts to say they had made such a decision.

The survey found that investors who manage their own portfolios are likelier to make — and regret — impulsive investing decisions than those who let a financial advisor manage their portfolios.

Tags: beer


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