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những người thừa cân có lẽ thực ra được phòng chống tốt khỏi các bệnh truyền nhiễm... ;)
Researchers from the University of Gothenburg say people with bigger

waistlines (vòng bụng) are less likely to die from severe bacterial (vi khuẩn) infections (bệnh nhiễm trùng) than those who are slim and trim. Normally, being overweight or obese (béo phì) is a bad omen (điều xấu). Previous studies show excess weight increases the risk of developing certain forms of cancer, diabetes (đái tháo đường), or heart disease.

...Over nine months, the researchers studied 2,196 patients treated for bacterial infections at Skaraborg Hospital in Skövde, Sweden. The team discovered that having a high BMI raises the patient’s chances of survival (cơ hội sống sót của bệnh nhân) in both the short and long term, at 28 days and one year after hospitalization, respectively.

In the “normal” weight group, 26 percent of participants died within one year of their infection, compared to just nine to 17 percent in those in the overweight to obese range. The study isn’t the first to find that weight may play a protective role against certain conditions.

The new findings confirm what scientists call the “obesity survival paradox (nghịch lý),” or that being overweight or obese offers protections against bacterial infections.

Tags: health


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