Mời mua bảo hiểm nhân thọ đấy

một linh mục khẳng định ma quỷ đã tìm ra cách nhắn tin đe dọa... :D

Stephen Rossetti – a licensed psychologist (nhà tâm lý học) and counsellor (cố vấn) – said they do it to taunt (trêu chọc, chế nhạo) their victims (nạn nhân), their families and any priests trying to save them.

The clergyman said: “We have had three cases in which demons have texted the team and or the family of the possessed person.

“Two of these cases were the most difficult cases we have had so far, and the third involved a pious family with priestly and religious vocations among the children.

“So, all were ‘high value’ targets with high-ranking, powerful demons involved.

Tags: funny


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