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siêu bão mặt trời khiến internet toàn cầu mất có thể sớm xảy ra...
The internet has become an integral part (một phần không thể thiếu) of pretty

much all of our lives and at this point, it’s hard to imagine life without it.

However, that might actually be the case and there is basically nothing we can do to stop it.

A study that was recently released called “Solar Superstorms: Planning for an Internet Apocalypse (ngày tận thế)” details how within the next decade, there is a decent (kha khá, tươm tất) chance we will face a massive solar superstorm that could potentially knock out the internet and maybe even shut down power grids.

The study says that the “Astrophysicists estimate the likelihood of a solar storm of sufficient strength to cause catastrophic disruption (phá vỡ mang tính thảm họa) occurring within the next decade to be 1.6 – 12 per cent.”

Tags: science


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