Chiếc đồng hồ tệ nhất

là đồng hồ sai,

nếu theo dõi dữ liệu sai, hay hiểu sai dữ liệu, thì không theo dõi còn hơn...
Photo by RODOLFO BARRETO on Unsplash.

The worst kind of clock a clock that's wrong. Randomly (ngẫu nhiên) fast or slow.

If we know exactly how much it's wrong, then it's not so bad.

If there's no clock, we go seeking the right time. But a wrong clock? We're going to be tempted (bị cám dỗ) to accept (chấp nhận) what it tells us.

What are you measuring? Keeping track of the wrong data, or reading it wrong is worse than not keeping track at all.

Tags: skill

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