"There's no accounting for tastes" nghĩa là gì?

Mỗi người một sở thích mà :D Photo by inanc avadit on Unsplash

"There's no accounting for tastes" có accounting là giải thích -> cụm từ này nghĩa là gu, sở thích mỗi người là thứ không thể giải thích được.

Ví dụ
While there's no accounting for tastes, Gossage is wrong when he calls the current brand of baseball "unwatchable." This scribe watches a great deal of baseball and will continue to do so.

There's no accounting for tastes, you see, and mass consumption (tiêu thụ) is rarely a symptom (dấu hiệu) of quality. Hey, if you like halftimes and 11 minutes of action, then by all means, please do enjoy. 

So it is at Roxburgh, the birthplace of Norman Manley, the man most of us revere (tôn sùng) as the Father of the Nation. But there must be others who don't share that respect and reverence and their appetites have been unleashed at Roxburgh, where green tranquility has been butchered and gouged by men seeking to despoil this shrine. There's no accounting for tastes, nor for power.

There’s no accounting for tastes and a pretty distinct boundary between unwelcome abusive (quấy rối) behaviour and a mild spanking at your partner’s request. 

Ngọc Lân

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