Thị phần 0%

dù có 1 triệu người theo dõi trên facebook thì vẫn là 99,9% người khác phớt lờ,

dù sách có bán 1 triệu bản thì cũng không được 1% dân số,

-> không cần chạy theo số đông, tập trung vào những người quan tâm...

Zero percent market share

If you have a million Twitter followers, that means that 99.9% of the people

on Twitter are ignoring you, which, with a little rounding, means you have 0%.

If you write a book and it sells a million copies, it will be one of the bestselling books of the year. It will also reach far fewer than 1% of the country’s population, never mind the world.

There are very few things that ever rise to 1% of the market. You don’t need everyone, in fact, the act of chasing everyone is probably keeping you from reaching anyone.

Zero (rounded) is enough.

Tags: skill

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