Quy tắc vàng khi dùng bữa tại nhà hàng hạng sang

cứ món ngon chén trước, đừng "save the best for last" :D
Photo by Hamed Mohtashami pouya on Unsplash.

Dear Dan,

Let's say you're very hungry and you plan to eat two sandwiches. One is very delicious and the other isn't as good. Which one should you eat first?

One of my college friends had kids many years before anyone else in our group was even considering children, and he used to give the following advice (mostly unsolicited): "Think," he used to say, "about how you like to eat. There are some people who like to eat reasonable food three times daily, while others would prefer to save their money and eat mediocre (xoàng, tầm thường) food most of the time but occasionally have an amazing (kinh ngạc, sửng sốt, hết sức ngạc nhiên) meal.

"If you're one of the second type, go ahead and have kids, because life with kids isn't all that fun for the most part, but from time to time they bring incredible joy. And if you identify with the first type, you may want to rethink the kids idea."

Now, I am not sure that this metaphor bodes well for kids, but in terms of food it certainly works. As a thought experiment, it asks whether you prefer to focus on the maximum amount of pleasure in any given experience or the average pleasure.

In the first case, you should eat the better sandwich first so that the height of your initial joy comes from the combination of your hunger and the superior quality of the sandwich. (As Cervantes wrote in "Don Quixote," "Hunger is the best sauce in the world.") Of course, you will sacrifice pleasure at the end of your experience. On the other hand, if you're aiming for a consistent (kiên định, trước sau như một, nhất quán) experience, eat the so-so sandwich first. With this method, the initial joy will be lower, but the end of the experience won't be as much of a contrast.

Personally, I prefer to focus on the most joyful part of the experience and eat the best sandwich first, ignoring folk wisdom to "save the best for last." Plus, this way I might be less hungry by the time I get to the so-so sandwich and may eat a bit less.

Tags: skill

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