Cảnh giác với biến chủng Covid mới

tác dụng phụ (sau khi dương tính với virus) khiến một em gái ở Doha, Qatar cứ tự tụt quần áo... :D

The 30-something, who has not been identified (không xác định), spent several days acting bizarrely (kỳ lạ, kỳ quặc) due to a rare (hiếm) complication (biến chứng) of the virus.

A relative (người thân) brought her into hospital (bệnh viện), concerned (lo lắng) about her behavior (hành vi) in the four days since she had tested positive.

“She had been agitated (bối rối, khích động), required less sleep and had been talking excessively (nói luôn mồm),” doctors wrote in the British Medical Journal Case Reports.

“In addition, she had appeared confused, talking to people who were not there (suggesting she was responding to hallucinations), calling family members by the wrong name and on one occasion taking her clothes off for no reason.”

“On the day of admission, she impulsively drank 100ml of body wash which was the final factor leading her relative to bring her to hospital.”

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