Quen dần đi thôi

không phải quay lại văn phòng nữa đâu...
The most overused phrase of the last 18 months has to be ‘unprecedented

times’. And yes, it was accurate, for a while. But after that while, the times had precedent.

...Personally, I can’t stand the office. There are too many people wanting to talk about things that distract me from getting more pressing things done. And yet, for the sake of a misplaced nostalgia (nỗi luyến tiếc quá khứ, lòng hoài cổ) that ignores the terrible lighting, the recycled air, the eyeballs over your shoulder and the productivity-destroying (giảm năng suất) open-plan setup (thiết kế không gian mở), many of us have been compelled to return.

What we found there, amid the husks of deserted snacks left behind in March 2020, was a few moments of novelty and a quick return to a grind that eradicated our autonomy and placed us in the cage again. We don’t need to do that. There are a few precious months in which we are feeling our way around again. It’s now that we can do something new. Must we have an office Christmas party? Or can we just give the people who want to participate a login to a live-streamed Zoom party?

The pandemic (đại dịch) gave us liberty to eradicate our expectations. Think for a moment about why you might be rushing back to the things you did before.

Bài trước: Cấm hết
Tags: idea

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