Nên hay không nên chích ngừa Covid-19 cho trẻ em?

không nên...

covid là bệnh của người già,

và thầy, cô giáo thì tiêm phòng vắc-xin hết rồi -> có lây từ hay lây cho học sinh nữa đâu...

But the argument (tranh luận) over mandates (bắt buộc) is anything but settled. COVID-19,

even since the triumph of the delta variant (biến chủng) and the advent (sự xuất hiện) of vaccination, has remained overwhelmingly an older-person disease (bệnh  của người già): Just 478 people under the age of 18 have died of it through Sept. 29, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That’s less than the 643 minors that the CDC estimates died during the 2017-18 winter flu season. Rare is the state that mandates flu shots; though in fairness, their effectiveness rate lags far behind those of the three COVID-19 vaccines approved in the U.S.

The second main reason to favor the physical removal of unvaccinated students is to keep kids from spreading the virus to teachers and staff. But school employees have had priority access to vaccines for more than half a year by now. Given the microscopic infection results revealed by school testing—0.27 percent among the unvaccinated in New York City, around 0.6 percent in Los Angeles—it’s reasonable to continue concluding that school buildings are among the safest places for humans to gather in groups.

Tags: health

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