Ai đổ lỗi cho họ được?

Úc là nước say sưa nhất thế giới... :D

Organizers from the Global Drug Survey asked more than 32,000 people from 22 different countries to monitor their alcohol consumption (tiêu thụ rượu bia) in 2020 in order to obtain a snapshot of global drinking habits.

Participants from Australia got drunk an average of 27 times over the course of the year — almost double the global average, which was 15.

On average, Aussies drank two nights per week but only became heavily intoxicated (say mèm) about once every two weeks.

Interestingly, Australian women consumed alcohol more frequently than men, shattering (đập vỡ, làm vỡ tan) stereotypes that Aussie males are the hardest drinkers.

And while those Down Under have always been known for their love of beer and wine, it’s possible that they were the drunkest country in 2020 because they largely managed to avoid COVID-19 lockdowns.

Tags: beer


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