Đã đến lúc phải cấm karaoke

nam thanh niên china bị tràn khí ngực phải cấp cứu gấp vì cố thể hiện hát karaoke giọng cao trong buổi sinh nhật bạn... :D

Chinese media recently reported the bizarre case (trường hợp lạ lùng) of a young man from Changsha, in China’s Hunan Province, who suffered a serious lung injury (chấn thương phổi nghiêm trọng) by trying to reach the high-pitch tones (giọng cao) during a karaoke session. The man, known as Wang Zhe, reportedly attended a friend’s birthday party and decided to show off his voice by singing “New Drunken Concubine” (người tình say), a song famous for the high-pitched tones it demands. When he reached the high-pitched part for the song, the 25-year-old man really gave it his all, only to feel a sharp pain in his chest which made him cut his act short. The pain was bearable, though, so he didn’t pay too much attention to it until the next day, when he found that he could barely breathe (không thở được).

When he woke up the next day, Wang had serious difficulties breathing, so his family rushed him to the hospital. He told doctors what had happened the previous day, and that he felt pain in his right lung throughout the night. An X-ray showed that he had suffered a pneumothorax (chứng tràn khí ngực), a potentially life-threatening (đe dọa mạng sống) condition where air bubbles form between the lung and the chest wall (lồng ngực).

Bài trước: Có lẽ thế đấy
Tags: chinahealth


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