"Yo mama jokes" nghĩa là gì?

"Yo mama jokes" -> nghĩa là các trò đùa lăng mạ, nói xấu mẹ người khác. Tuy nhiên, đây chỉ là trò đùa chứ không xúc phạm hẳn mẹ người khác, nhưng vẫn dễ khiến người khác khó chịu, cảm thấy bị xúc phạm.

Ví dụ
Give Alexa a break from turning on the TV and playing music. Instead, let your Echo device entertain you when you're feeling bored with amusing jokes, stories and interesting trivia (chuyện vớ vẩn). For example, Alexa can tell you Star Wars jokes, yo mama jokes and even some interesting trivia facts. Not to mention, it can also keep the kids busy while you're busy.

On this Tuesday's Central Standard, a look at a tradition of African American verbal combat (khẩu chiến) and insults that’s ruled neighborhoods and childhoods long before rap. At the heart of this tradition? 'Yo Mama jokes.

In South Carolina, one particular (cụ thể) kind of joke really gets people going: “Yo mama." Frontierbundels.com studied the most popular mom-related searches in each state, and in South Carolina the number one term was “Yo Mama Jokes."

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