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trong máy bay thì cần gì đeo khẩu trang, không khí trong đó đã như ở phòng hồi sức cấp cứu rồi...

Last week, the CEOs of American Airlines and Southwest Airlines told Congress that they do not think mask requirements (yêu cầu) make much sense on airplanes (máy bay), where the air filtration systems (hệ thống lọc không khí) are superior to what is typically found in an intensive care unit (đơn vị điều trị tích cực, phòng hồi sức cấp cứu).

“I think the case is very strong that masks don’t add much, if anything, in the air cabin environment,” said Gary Kelly, CEO of Southwest. “It is very safe and very high quality compared to any other indoor setting.”

Unwilling to let anyone undermine the case for keeping a government mandate in place, White House coronavirus advisor Anthony Fauci threw cold water on the idea.

“You have to be wearing a mask on a plane,” he said bluntly (thẳng thừng, huỵch toẹt) on television Sunday.

Tags: health

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