Đúng là bạn tốt

mang xác bạn đến bưu điện để lấy lương hưu... :D

Their plan, like the pensioner, died.

The Independent reports that the bizarre (kỳ lạ, kỳ cục) scene played out Friday morning as the pair dragged (kéo lê) the dead man into the Carlow town facility and tried to prop him up, which immediately raised the concern of postal workers. A witness whose daughter saw the deceased (quá cố) being brought to the office said he “looked unwell as his feet were dragging the ground.”

The two men apparently trying to pass the dead man off as alive are said to have known the elderly man. There was a line outside the post office due to COVID restrictions, the report said. Some onlookers were worried that the deceased was alive and in need of emergency (cấp cứu) services.

“I feel awful for the staff,” the Independent’s witness said. “They’ve suffered so many robberies over the years, they’re worn out.”

Investigators said they are looking into the incident, which will include the services of a pathologist (nhà nghiên cứu bệnh học).

Bài trước: Hơn cả bò Kobe
Tags: funny


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