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báo cáo Durham tiết lộ chính Hillary Clinton -- chứ không phải Trump -- là con rối của Putin...
Since 2016, Hillary Clinton has been trolling Donald Trump on social media over his alleged (bị cáo buộc) ties (mối quan hệ, mối liên hệ) to Russia, calling him “Putin’s Puppet (con rối).” But Special Counsel John Durham’s probe (cuộc điều tra) has uncovered the truth about who was Putin’s Puppet. It was Clinton herself.

She and the Obama-Biden administration spy (tình báo) agency chiefs and their corrupt minions (kẻ bợ đỡ, thuộc hạ, tay sai) were unknowingly, or perhaps even knowingly, Putin’s little helpers in tearing our country apart.

It turns out that Clinton and her top foreign policy advisor, Jake Sullivan, spread a bogus (ma, giả) Trump-Russia “collusion” (thông đồng) narrative (diễn ngôn, câu chuyện). To enable this Soviet-style disinformation (thông tin đánh lạc hướng) campaign (chiến dịch), Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign hired a tech firm to “infiltrate” (xâm nhập) servers at Trump Tower in Manhattan and at the White House in order to link Donald Trump to Russia.

Immediately following the 2016 election, the Russia-Trump collusion conspiracy became the intelligence community’s “bright and shiny object.” Serious intelligence briefings about the Russian threat and what Putin was up to were interrupted by national security officials asking irrelevant (không liên quan) questions like, “What do the Russians have on Trump?” This was a major distraction (làm xao lãng) that diverted (làm trệch hướng) intelligence resources (nguồn lực) and Washington’s attention from real threats, like China, Iran, and Putin’s hostile (thù địch) actions in Europe and Ukraine.

Various “Deep State” (nhà nước bóng tối) operatives, Democratic consultants, Washington Establishment cognoscenti and the media aided Clinton in digging up and then spreading this dirt on Trump. The bogus Steele Dossier was fed by a Russian “researcher,” a former employee of the Brookings Institution think tank, whom the FBI had suspected of having ties to Russian intelligence. Since the 1980s, the Russians have attempted to infiltrate the liberal-leaning Brookings with intelligence operatives posing as “scholars” in order to cultivate other “well placed individuals,” according to declassified (giải mật) CIA records. That is, recruit them as witting or unwitting spies...

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