Jesus cũng thế mà

nhà thờ White Tail Chapel ở bang Virginia, Mỹ cho phép các tín đồ dự lễ khỏa thân...

Pastor Allen Parker, the leader of the White Tail Chapel said he allowed ‘naked (khỏa thân) worshippers’ because the clothing requirements of other churches were overly ‘pretentious’  (tự phụ, kiêu căng, khoe khoang) blocked blocks the salvation (cứu rỗi) of the poor (người nghèo).

Parker noted that many of Jesus’ most important moments happened while he was naked.

He stated in an interview with CNN that ‘when he [Jesus] was born he was naked, when he was crucified (đóng đinh trên cây thập giá) he was naked and when he arose he left his clothes in the tomb (ngôi mộ) and he was naked’.

‘If God made us that way, how can that be wrong?’ he asked.

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