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Bill Gates tin rằng hình xăm điện tử sẽ thay thế điện thoại...
Bill Gates is the co-founder of Microsoft and a renowned (nổi tiếng) philanthropist (nhà từ thiện), who is clearly an authority (người có uy tín, người có thẩm quyền, chuyên gia, người lão luyện) on all things to do with the future of technology. Now, he is predicting that the electronic tattoo (hình xăm điện tử) will become an integral part (là một phần không thể tách rời) of, and revolutionise (cách mạng hóa), our everyday lives, at some point in the future.

An electronic, or digital (kỹ thuật số) tattoo, is an innovative method that seeks to collect and analyse (phân tích) data from the human body by taking advantage of the application of biotechnology (công nghệ sinh học). The special ingredient (thành phần) in making this function correctly is apparently the special ink used to apply the tattoo.

It will allegedly contain some tiny sensors (cảm biến) and trackers, which subsequently conduct electricity that will be used to send and receive information, something that is known as a Near Field Communication (NFC) chip.

...With an electronic tattoo, you will reportedly be able to monitor whether your body is working properly or not. If, for example, you showed signs (dấu hiệu) of fever or other illnesses (bệnh), you would receive a notification immediately (nhận thông báo ngay lập tức). It would also have the function of notifying your doctor at the same time if you wished.

Tags: technology

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