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cặp vợ chồng Massachusetts thắng kiện clb gôn gần 5 triệu usd vì suốt năm bị hơn 600 quả bóng gôn bay vào nhà... :)

A Plymouth County Superior Court jury awarded Erik and Athina Tenczar $4.93 million in December, finding that Indian Pond Country Club was at fault (có lỗi) for not protecting the couple's home from a constant barrage (sự bắn chặn, bắn yểm hộ) of bad golfing, court records showed.

The Tenczars originally sued both Indian Pond and Spectrum Building Inc., which built their new home in Kingston, about 40 miles south of downtown Boston. They settled with the builders, leaving Indian Pond Country Club as the sole defendant (bị cáo).

...The Tenczars' attorney (luật sư), Robert Galvin, said he understands skepticism (hoài nghi) about his clients' dismay (mất tinh thần, mất can đảm) over errant (lang thang, giang hồ) golf balls, knowing they were buying property that abuts (tiếp giáp với) the 15th hole.

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