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con hàu đực có cu dài nhất trong tất cả các loài động vật, gấp 8 lần chiều dài cơ thể... :D
Barnacles (con hàu) have the longest penis (dương vật) of any animal, relative to body size. Adults fuse onto one spot, so this is a necessary adaptation (sự thích nghi cần thiết) to reach eggs to fertilize. Their penises also taste and smell in order to find receptive partners in the tumult (lộn xộn, náo động) of rough ocean waves.

We also learned from WIRED that the length and girth of barnacle penises varies depending on the literal motion of the ocean. They have shorter and thicker penises in rough intertidal (phần của bờ biển giữa lúc triều lên và triều xuống) areas with lots of waves. This helps them control it in all the chaos. Those that live in calmer water have longer, thinner penises to reach and mate with as many partners as possible.

The length and thickness of barnacle penises even changed when researchers moved them from one environment to the other. Yes, there are scientists out there measuring and recording barnacle penis length.

You may have seen barnacles at tidepools, piers (bến tàu, cầu tàu), or attached to a boat. When out of the water, they seal tightly shut. But once underwater, feathery appendages (phần phụ) stick out and catch passing food particles. It’s actually their face that fuses and their butt and legs that are in the water.

Tags: sex

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