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công ty trực thăng Blade Air Mobility đạt được thỏa thuận 12 triệu đô la mỹ, vận hành mạng lưới taxi điện trên không...
Blade Air Mobility, the helicopter (trực thăng) shuttle (đi lại hai chiều theo tuyến) company backed by Cathie Wood and David Zaslav, has struck a $12m deal with a Canadian helicopter operator, betting that a wider network will give it a lead if electric air taxis become a reality (thành hiện thực).

The New York-based group, which makes most of its money from trips to the city’s airports and the Hamptons, has acquired exclusive rights (quyền độc quyền) to the scheduled passenger business of Helijet, a Canadian company flying between Vancouver, Victoria and Nanaimo in British Columbia.

The deal is part of a land grab for helipads, routes and customers in expectation that a new generation of quieter, lower-emissions, short-hop aircraft will need to use constrained existing infrastructure, at least initially, according to executives.

JPMorgan predicted in September that the total market could be worth “hundreds of billions” of dollars by the 2030s, but cautioned that only a handful of EVA companies were on track for regulatory certification by 2025 and several planned to compete with Blade.

Bài trước: Thế giới bí mật
Tags: finance

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