Tránh làm sao được

vì thương mại quốc tế, phải cạnh tranh quyết liệt, đổi mới và cải thiện thôi...
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from pages 37-38 of Eamonn Butler’s 2021 book, An Introduction to Trade & Globalisation:

International trade (thương mại quốc tế) greatly widens (làm lan rộng, khuếch trương) the pool (tổ hợp) of talent (tài năng) involved in (tham gia vào) supplying products to markets (cung cấp sản phẩm tới thị trường). Such increased competition (cạnh tranh) means domestic (nội địa) producers have to make their own activities more cost-effective (hiệu quả về chi phí), or risk losing business to outsiders. They have to control costs and cut waste. They must stay sharp in order to understand what customers (khách hàng) want and how those wants can be satisfied (thỏa mãn), and to anticipate (dự đoán) future trends (xu hướng tương lai) on both fronts. They need to keep trying new things, to innovate and improve both their offer to customers and their own production processes. And this constant pressure to innovate and improve in turn drives progress.

Bài trước: Lạm phát là gì?
Tags: economics

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