Nhất quỷ, nhì ma, thứ ba...

sinh viên MIT quẳng chiếc piano thứ 50 từ trên mái nhà xuống...

The answer to that question, regardless of what it may be, hasn’t changed the fact that for the last 50 years that’s precisely (chính xác) how MIT students have marked the end of the add/drop period at the research university — by dropping a piano from the roof (mái nhà) of a residence (ký túc xá) hall.

“This event has happened regularly since 1972 and is something that both campus and community members enjoy. Each year we have a crowd of students, alumni, and neighbors that come out to watch and take part in the event,” student organizer Hannah Donner, a sophomore, said in an emailed statement.

This year was no exception, when on Tuesday a donated piano was dropped from the roof of Baker House to no small amount of fanfare and in honor of a prank (trò chơi khăm) from 50 years ago.

No working pianos were harmed in the marking of this un-solemn tradition, Donner said.

“Any piano used at this event is no longer functioning and is beyond repair,” she said.

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